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Accidents can happen anywhere and often when you least expect them. Shopping should be a fairly risk-free activity but when they happen it’s often sudden and can be shocking and even embarrassing in the moment. Sometimes severe injuries can happen in a shopping centre, supermarket or any other retail shop such as fractures or broken bones.

If the accident happened due to someone else’s negligence you could be entitled to claim compensation for the damage it has caused to you. You might now be suffering financial hardship because you have had to take time off to recover from a traumatic accident.  Or you might not be able to return to work at all because your injuries are so severe. If you have been affected by an accident in a shop as a customer or an employee we might be able to help you get compensation to help you live a more comfortable life.

Owner-occupiers of any shop must follow health and safety legislation as well as carrying out the duty of care obligations they have as an employer and proprietor. This means making sure stock is safely stacked in a safe manner to avoid the risk of falling, keeping aisles and warehouses free from trip, slip and fall hazards and carrying out regular risk assessments to make sure everything is in good order and there is no damaged or broken fittings or fixtures that could cause an accident.

No one should suffer as a result of another parties inaction or negligence and a severe injury can have an unmeasurable impact on the victims quality of life and finances. If you are unable to work following an accident you may experience hardship and be unable to provide for your family. By claiming compensation for your accident your solicitor will do everything they can to get you compensation that covers your financial losses now and in the future.  We know no amount of money can undo the suffering endured but compensation can go a long way to getting your life back on track afterwards.

What Types of Shop Accidents Can I Claim For?

If you are injured in a shop and it was not your fault and the liability is clear you can most likely claim irrespective of how the accident happened. There are some types of accidents that are more common in shops, such as:

Slips, trips and falls

This could be a slip and fall due to a spilt liquid or a trip over broken or uneven flooring which has not been fixed. If a floor is wet after cleaning the shop should put out a hazard warning sign so you are aware that the floor is wet and minimizing the risk of falling. Another cause of falls is boxes and items left on the shop floor by staff that can be a trip hazard as well as any poorly maintained floor area or hazards on stairs. 

Falling objects

Where shelves are stacked high employees should make sure that items are stocked neatly and safely without overloading the shelves and creating a risk. If someone is struck by a falling object it could cause serious damage, head injuries and concussions could be suffered by the victim as a result.

What Should I Do If I’m Injured While Shopping?

The first and most important thing to do is seek medical assistance. Initially this should be from an on site first aider but it’s critical that you follow it up with a visit to your own GP or accident and emergency. You should also make sure you report it to the shop and that it is correctly recorded in case you decide you want to proceed with any of your shop accident claims.

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